Visit of Council of National Library Documentation Services to Public library Kinniya
Read full articleTender Form
Calling for tender which are the shops under the Kinniya Urban Council for the year of 2025
Closing Date: 2024/12/09
Auction for old news papers
Closing Date: 2024/05/08
Tendering for temporary shops near the UC ground area
Closing Date: 2024/03/28
Changes to Taxes and Fees for the Fiscal Year 2023
(Short Description)
The municipality acknowledges the impact of these changes on residents and businesses and is committed to maintaining transparency throughout the process. Detailed information regarding the revised taxes and fees can be obtained from the municipal website, where residents can find comprehensive FAQs and contact information for any further inquiries.
Taxes and Fees Test 1
(Short Description)Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mattis nibh porttitor molestie pharetra. Praesent eget sem ut arcu iaculis volutpat non nec est. Vivamus eget nisi vel lacus consequat suscipit vel eu orci. Integer tortor velit, auctor id tortor sed, condimentum consectetur nulla.